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Congratulations parents! We offer pediatric chiropractic! You made it through the pregnancy and delivery, and your little bundle of joy is finally here. But you find yourself wavering between being exhausted and overjoyed. Many times, exhaustion overtakes the joy, for a few reasons:

  1. The birth process is stressful, physically, mentally and emotionally
  2. Breastfeeding isn’t as easy as mainstream media often makes it out to be
  3. Immune systems are lowered, and illness is a very real possibility

Chiropractic can remedy all three of these circumstances before they make Mom, Dad and baby go a little crazy.

Postnatal and pediatric care through can relieve the stress and pressure. For Mom and Baby’s spine that undeniably occurred during birth. Once the physical stress is relieved, the mental and emotional stress will be as well.

Pediatric Chiropractic in Inver Grove Heights MN

Chiropractors have been performing adjustments on children and infants for more than one hundred years! Many childhood ailments respond to chiropractic care.

We can help!

This procedure involves the manipulation of the body to place the vertebrae in the correct positions. Chiropractic is based on the important relationship between the spine and the nervous system. Spinal dysfunctions caused by subluxations can alter how the body functions and affect health.

Chiropractic care will also help Mom maintain increased energy levels and keep her feeling her best during the next few busy months.

Two huge factors that play a role in sickness and disease . These can occur during the birthing process. Once the spine is in alignment, the immune system will begin operating at its fullest potential. As a bonus, infant adjustments can help to relieve issues such as allergies and colic. we also can help with irritable baby syndrome. It also aids digestive problems and sleep issues. Pediatric chiropractic is truly a life-changing healthy alternative to optimum health and wellness. You can do this and we will help you , with gentle chiropractic!

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