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Ever wonder why so many people complain of back problems? I can tell you from first-hand experience that one of the main reasons is poor posture. Most of us as kids never listened when an adult said, “sit up straight” or “stop slouching,” and it shows in how we hold our bodies as adults. Luckily, it’s never too late to change things, straighten up, and start achieving better health through having better posture.

What is Good Posture?

Good posture is a standing, sitting, lying, or lifting position that puts the least amount of strain on your musculoskeletal structure. It involves standing/sitting with the back straight, shoulders thrown back, and your weight distributed equally in your body. It’s about maintaining the natural curve of the spine in lying or lifting positions so your body can function as nature intended.

The Long-term Health Consequences of Poor Posture

Poor posture can be like a disease. Even though your back will bear the brunt of it, it affects every aspect of your health in the long run. Spinal disc degeneration is one of the consequences of poor posture. The discs, which are the cushioning material between your spinal vertebrae, start to wear out from the uncomfortable position that people put them through. For example, hunching over at a computer desk forces your spine to bend unnaturally forwards. Through the years, this position causes an alteration of the natural shape of the spinal discs. The result could lead to a ruptured or dislocated disc, often associated with immense back pain. An improper lifting position can also cause a herniated disc. Poor lifting techniques cause muscle strains and ligament sprains as well. This is one of the leading causes of occupational back pain.

Other health dangers of poor posture include:

  • Poor digestion – slouching puts excess pressure on your digestive organs
  • Nerve construction – dislocated bones of the back press against the nerves, causing pain and numbness
  • Subluxation – parts of your spine and back become misaligned, causing severe pain and even disability
  • Blood vessel constriction – results from changes in spinal alignment and can lead to heart conditions

The Incredible Health Benefits of Good Posture

When you change the way you hold your body while sitting, standing or lifting something, your whole health tends to improve. That makes sense because proper body structure leads to proper body function. That’s the mantra in chiropractic, and doctors from other fields will tell you the same thing.

Here are 11 of the Top Benefits of Having Good Posture:

1. A Healthier Back

We have already seen this. Proper spinal alignment saves your joints, discs and muscles from pressure and strain. The result is a better range of motion and increased circulation. Also, you’re less likely to have your spine go out of alignment and start constricting sensitive nerves.

2. Overall good health

Good posture is a natural solution for many health concerns. You just have to remind yourself to sit straight, stand upright, and lift the right way. When you do that, you sleep better at night after work, your digestion functions optimally, and your circulation and central nervous systems get to work as expected. Good posture is, therefore, one of your best allies for better health, better living, and reduced doctor visits.

3. You look and feel more confident when your back is upright

When they say that you appear more confident when you stand/sit upright, it’s not just psychological gibberish.

4. Respiratory efficiency

A rounded back leads to reduced lung capacity and less oxygen in your blood system. The result is poor performance in physical exercises and potentially other issues like sluggishness and lack of vitality. On the other hand, good posture helps you breathe freely. Respiratory efficiency is good for metabolism and physical performance.

5. Stronger back and core muscles

Good posture is a workout. It takes engaging the muscles of the core, back, and chest to manage an upright standing and sitting position. A healthier back and core muscles increase your stability and balance. As a result, you get the ability to move efficiently and perform optimally at work or play.

6. Improved range of motion

Too much pressure on your flexor, extensor, and oblique muscles make them inflexible. That means in time you will have trouble with movement, sitting, and standing. You can correct that by training yourself to maintain an upright posture.

7. Fewer headaches

Those recurrent headaches could be stemming from tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back. Good posture can help to rectify that.

8. Reduces wear and tear in the joints

Crooked posture accelerates the wear and tear in your hips and knees. Maintaining an upright posture can save you from that pain and help your joints function optimally for many years to come.

9. Keeps you in good form

Many people would agree that good posture makes you look your best. It also keeps away potentially unattractive issues such as rounded shoulders.

10. Prevents injuries

When you lift with the right techniques, you spare yourself from muscle sprains and possible bone dislocations.

11. You feel great

Many people find that standing tall and straight changes the way they feel about themselves. When you stand tall and straight, you radiate confidence and positive energy. It’s good for you and those around you.

Fixing Posture Issues with an Eden Prairie Chiropractor

The good news is that chiropractic services can help alleviate pain and discomfort from posture issues by correcting any misalignments caused by years of improper posture. Call The Well Chiropractic and our Eden Prairie Chiropractor, Dr. Bevanda to find out how we can fix long-term neck and spine damage before it’s too late!

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