- What is Sciatica?
- What are the Causes of Sciatica?
- What are The Symptoms of Sciatica?
- Can it Be a Serious Problem?
- Can a chiropractor help with sciatica?
- What can you do for sciatica?
- Living Well with Sciatica
Back pain can be very disturbing to an individual, especially in dealing with their everyday work routine. It prevents them from having a quality sleep, exercising regularly, and doing household chores. Generally, it makes people’s daily life miserable. It becomes even worse when the pain travels from the back down through the hip and leg. It is the kind of pain associated with Sciatica, a condition that mainly impacts four out of ten people in the US today.
People would ask if chiropractors can help with Sciatica. The answer is yes! Many people don’t realize this, but chiropractors use several chiropractic techniques to provide instant relief to sciatica pain without the use of any drugs.
What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is not only a condition. It is a serious pain caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve that you shouldn’t take for granted. The sciatic nerve is considered the longest nerve in the body covering several areas; that’s why there are many chances for it to become irritated. Sciatica is commonly caused by nerve compression in the lower spine area. The painful effect it produces can range from mild to moderate to very severe. At least 40 percent of individuals can suffer from Sciatica, and if you believe you are one of them, you know how annoying and painful it is.
Sciatica can be mistaken as simple back pain, but this condition is not limited to just the back alone. The sciatic nerve is located from the lower back, the buttocks, down to the legs, and just below the knee. It means that the pain can radiate from any of those parts, depending on where the irritation exists. It can occur at any point along with the areas of the sciatic nerve.
What Are The Causes Of Sciatica?

Sciatica can give unbearable pain to the patient, and some symptoms are due to the rubbing and pressing on the sciatic nerve. These compressions can be related to a particular injury, but sciatica may also develop in a longer time frame without any pre-existing injury. It can be very alarming and might worry a person experiencing it, but that should not be a cause of alarm. Below are the things that cause sciatica.
- Injuries happened to the disc between the spine and the vertebra
- Muscle tension build up in the buttocks area, which can irritate the sciatic nerve
- Spinal stenosis is an age-related process where the scope of the spine where nerves run through becomes narrowed
- Other back injuries that cause terrible pain
What Are The Symptoms Of Sciatica?

It’s easy for a professional to recognize a Sciatica by a telltale pattern where the patient needs to discuss where the pain radiates most of the time. Scia comes from the lumbar spine to the buttock, down to the back of the leg, and all the way down to the calf. The pattern may appear only on one side of the body, and the patient will experience tingling and burning quality. Sciatica usually exists on a spectrum from mild to severe, so do not take it for granted only because it isn’t extreme. If you feel the radiating pain discussed above, you most likely have a Sciatica condition.
Other symptoms of Sciatica include:
- Numbness in the leg along the nerve
- Needles and tingling pain sensation in one foot
- Numbness while standing
- Difficulty breathing
- Anxiety symptoms
Can It Be A Serious Problem?

This condition can be very painful but nothing to actually worry about. However, other symptoms could tell that the problem with Sciatica is something more severe and might need a professional one to help you with it. The signs below will tell you how severe your Sciatica is, and you must call for help.
- Sciatica on both sides of the body
- Numbness or weakness in both legs and is getting worse
- Numbness around or under your anus or genitals
- Hardly stopping or starting a stream of urine
- Lack of control when you pee
- Not realizing when you need to poo or not being to control when to do it
The symptoms above could describe a serious back pain issue. They must be treated as soon as possible to avoid worsening and prevent other damage to the person’s body. Though it rarely happens, still, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health.
Can A Chiropractor Help With Sciatica?

Yes! Chiropractors can help an individual with Sciatica. One essential step to work this out is to try Sciatica patients to understand the underlying causes of this condition. It allows chiropractors to target the exact treatment base on the real cause. Chiropractic care aims to provide long-term injury prevention and improvement to occur, rather than masking out the symptoms. Therefore, the proper treatment you might experience for the Sciatica condition will differ from the other patient. Chiropractors are expertly trained to evaluate and assess your situation and provide you a treatment related to the musculoskeletal system.
What Can You Do For Sciatica?

Chiropractors would ask you to perform specific exercises which are vital for your recovery. The purpose of doing these exercises, which you can carry on with the other usual activities you do, is not to have a chance of sitting or lying down for long periods. Yes, moving might hurt, but it’s pretty normal and can help you improve better.
Another option that might help you with this condition is to have gentle back stretches. You can ask your pharmacist as well for painkillers, but it might only mask the pain temporarily.
Living Well With Sciatica

A lot of people find that experiencing Sciatica is a pain in the butt, figuratively and literally. It can prevent you from doing everything and often limits the activities you want to do. It can lead an individual to be more sedentary, a ripple effect that may have a negative impact on all areas of your health.
Sciatica is a common condition, but it can have a significant impact on a person experiencing it. It can be uncomfortable. That’s why there are possible treatments from a healthcare professional and even chiropractic care that you should consider. The recovery timeline for both medications is different, but both can also help with your joint and muscular issues.